2010年9月23日 星期四

Droog Do Hit Chair By Marijn Van Der Poll

這是Droog Design 2000年的作品,由荷蘭設計師Marijn Van Der Poll設計。
Droog 的 Do Hit Chair是個以1.25mm厚的鋼板所造的立方體,附送一隻大鎚子,讓你自己「敲」出一張獨一無二的椅子。 設計師保留了一張空白的畫布給使用者,讓使用者自由創作。不論你是生氣還是只是單純想要一張獨特的椅子,這張Do Hit Chair都非常的適合。


與此類似的產品亦有「Do Create」系列的「Do Break」、「Do Scratch」等等。

Do break by Frank Tjepkema & Peter van der Jagt

This vase can stand rough handling! Do Break is an even vase without any decoration; you have to drop it to give it a beautiful craquelé structure.

The rubber inside makes sure it doesn’t literally fall into a thousand pieces. The moment when you throw Do break, will become a lasting memory.

Do scratch by Martí Guixé

Let the light escape where you choose to scratch the surface. You make it as creative as you want it to be through your personal graffiti.

Do Create

date: 2000 / 2001
location: New York, Rotterdam, Paris, Tokyo and London

Do Create was the title of a project by Droog and publicity firm KesselsKramer. The idea was that a brand can be strong; so strong that KesselsKramer decided to create an entirely empty brand. They called it 'do'.

Within the Do Create project consumers were invited to interact and play, and thereby influence the design. You buy an experience: it is what you do to the object or what the object does to you that counts.


