1. "The next generation of interactive technologies will be dominated by touch, gesture and other forms of movement. Collectively we refer to these as expressive interactions" ~ introduction of First International Workshop Expressive Interactions for Sustainability and Empowerment
2. "In this perspective, the modelling of expressive gesture, considered a main non-verbal communication channel, is a central issue in our work. We consider a general concept of expressive gesture, including musical, human movement, and visual
(e.g. computer animated) gesture. Expressive interfaces deal with modelling, analysis, and synthesis of expressive gestures, i.e. they interpret the expressive gestures the user performs and they enable interaction by producing suitable automatically generated expressive gestures depending on the current situation and on the user's inputs." Expressive interfaces by Camurri. et al.
3. "Performing bodily movements and building bodily skill can be both challenging and highly rewarding, whilst we are also perceptually sensitive to the beauty and expressiveness of movement in our physical environment." Easy doesn’t do it: skill and expression in tangible aesthetics by Djajadiningrat et. al.
4. The semantic vs. the direct approach. Tangible products: redressing the balance between appearance and action by Djajadiningrat et. al.
5. manipulation vs. expression
6. tool vs. material
6. embodied interaction